updatepagecache option
Applies to
Akumina Site Deployer
This step will update the page cache in the App Manager.
The step is triggered in the options by the keyword updatepagecache.
The step uses data in the envdir/sitedefinitions/assetdirectory/VirtualPages folder to update the page cache for the .json files, based on the Url property in the files:
"Url": "page.aspx"
Visual Studio code
If using Visual Studio Code, you need to adjust the configuration. In the .env file
In the akumina.sitedeployer.config.json file, set the Options and add appmanagerurl to the Args.
"Options": {
"updatepagecache": true,
"Args": [
If using a CICD pipeline, the appmanagerurl argument needs to be added to the deployment command, which can use a variable.
Property | Value |
Arguments | options updatepagecache envdir "" assetdirectory DigitalWorkplaceCore spcontextretrycount 3 spdirectory DigitalWorkplace spurl $(siteCollectionUrl) spuser $(siteCollectionUser) sppassword $(siteCollectionPassword) appmanagerurl $(appManagerUrl) |
See https://github.com/akumina/AkuminaDev/wiki/Azure-DevOps:-Setting-up-a-build-to-deploy-a-site-package