Headless: Project QuickStart
This article provides a quick start with how to setup a project for headless artifacts. This is similar to the process for a headed site, with the exception that the headless site pulls artifacts from a storage account (or CDN).
In this quick start we will update the files in the storage account to make changes to the headless site. Once the Headless site is configured to point at the blob storage account using the TemplateUrlPrefix setting, then we can just simply publish assets to the storage container.
For this example, you will need the following:
- A terminal or command prompt
- Visual Studio Code
- A headless site, using a storage account and configured to use the same as the source of files.
- You will need the Akumina widget Yeoman generator - see Yo Akumina
Setting up the project.
Create or go to a path locally, example:
We will use that path for the project files. In a terminal or command prompt, navigate to that path and generate your new project:
npx yo akumina
Enter values in the questions; example values are below:
? Project name: HeadlessExample
? Client namespace: Client
? Akumina version:
? Use React?: no
? Widget source path: src/js/widgets
? Use Typescript?: yes
Update dependencies
It is necessary to have webpack-cli version 3.3.12 in order to build widgets. Run the following commands to enable:
npm uninstall webpack-cli
npm install webpack-cli@3.3.12
Configuration - .env file
In the file .env we need to update values for the deployment.
These values should be set to the proper settings for the storage account.
These values should be set to a random value, such as na, only if there is no value.
Configuration - akumina.sitedeployer.config.json file
In the file akumina.sitedeployer.config.json we mark all steps to false except cdnassets:
"cdnassets": true
Setup folder
We need to setup a folder to contain artifacts that will be deployed. Add the following folders to the sitedefinitions\Client path:
C:\source\Repos\HeadlessExample\build\sitedefinitions\Client\CDNAssets C:\source\Repos\HeadlessExample\build\sitedefinitions\Client\CDNAssets\css C:\source\Repos\HeadlessExample\build\sitedefinitions\Client\CDNAssets\js
CSS files
To deploy CSS files, we first add a CSS file that will be deployed. In our example. we create (or copy from an existing site) the file digitalworkplace.custom.css in the path:
You can use the following contents for the file (if a new file):
.ia-header--title {
color: green !important;
Next, we want to setup the build process to copy the css file to the CDNAssets location; we can further expand this to minify or further process the CSS file. In the file webpack.config.js, add the folowing below the line var useTypeScript = true;
var useTypeScript = true;
fs.copyFile('src/css/digitalworkplace.custom.css', 'build/sitedefinitions/Client/CDNAssets/css/digitalworkplace.custom.css', function (err) {
if (err) {
console.error("Unable to copy css file");
We can now deploy the CSS file to the headless site storage account.
Build and Deploy
Deploy the files to the headless site by using the deploy command
npm run build
npm run deploy
After a time, the console will report the files have been uploaded to the headless site storage account:
Executing Step: Add Assets To CDN
AzureCDNService UploadFiles File: akumina library/digitalworkplace/css/digitalworkplace.custom.css
To create a basic widget, we will use the guidance provided here: Create a new widget from a stub:
npm run stub
Enter the name as HelloWorld, with Client.Widgets as the namespace, then accept the defaults otherwise.
? What's the name of your Widget? HelloWorld
? What's the name of your Widget Namespace? Client.Widgets
? Which type of stub you want to start with? (more stubs coming soon) Hello World
? What directory should we generate the folder stub in? src/js/widgets
? Do you want this stub to be used for an instance only? (used for deploying instances only) No
? Do you want to use a typescript stub? Yes
Build and Deploy
We next build and package the files. The cdnpackage command will process the widget files and place them into the CDNAssets path.
npm run build
npm run cdnpackage
We can now deploy the widget files to the headless site storage account by using the deploy command.
npm run deploy
After a time, the console will report the files have been uploaded to the storage account:
Executing Step: Add Assets To CDN
AzureCDNService UploadFiles File: akumina library/digitalworkplace/content/templates/helloworld/default.html
AzureCDNService UploadFiles File: akumina library/digitalworkplace/css/digitalworkplace.custom.css
AzureCDNService UploadFiles File: akumina library/digitalworkplace/js/widgets/helloworld.js