Modern Web Part Library
Modern web part library (as of 3/10/2019)
The following is a list of a web parts you can use on a page, along with links to more information for each web part.
Bing maps
The Bing Maps web part adds a map to your page. Simply enter an address or a well known name and your map will appear. You can choose a different map type, such as road or aerial. You can also change the zoom level or give your map pin a friendly name.
Note: The Bing maps web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Akumina has a traffic widget that uses Goolge Maps API and this could likely be provisioned to function as just a map without the traffic information Traffic Widget -
The Button web part easily adds a button to your page with your own label and link.
Note: The Button web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Many Akumina widgets have custom button functionality. The HTML Content Widget could be a workaround to getting a single button on a page though. HTML Content Widget -
Document library
The Document Library web part displays a document library and customize it with your own title, view, and even size. Users with appropriate permissions can view or edit files directly from the web part, or can go to the full document library by clicking See all.
The Embed web part displays content on your page from other sites like YouTube videos. Depending on the site, you can either use the site's address or embed code that the site provides.
GenericEmbed Widget - Allows similar functionality
The Events web part allows you to add and display upcoming events on your page. You can even include a map with location, online meeting information, and more.
Group calendar
The Group calendar web part puts an Office 365 group calendar right on your page so that it is easily visible to your readers.
The Hero web part is a great way to bring focus and visual interest to your page. You can display up to five items in the Hero web part and use compelling images, text, and links to draw attention to each. The Hero web part is included by default on Communication sites, but you can also add the Hero web part to other pages.
The Image web part on a page inserts an image on the page, either from your site, your OneDrive, or your hard drive.
Image gallery
The Image Gallery web part shares collections of pictures on a page. Simply select your images with the file picker or drag them onto the web part. Once you've created your collection, you can drag and drop the images to reorder them as needed.
The Link web part adds a link to an internal or external page, video, image, or document.
Note: The Link web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Any Akumina widget displaying content will be able to show links.
Microsoft Forms
The Microsoft Forms web part can create surveys, quizzes, and polls on a page. You can also collect responses to your forms and show form results.
Note: The Microsoft Forms web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Akumina offers a Form widget that can be used to capture data:
The News web part keeps your team in the loop as well as engages them with important or interesting stories. You can quickly create eye-catching posts like announcements, people news, status updates, and more that can include graphics and rich formatting.
The People web part displays a selected group of people and their profiles on your page. It can be used for contact information, team information, presenters, and more.
Quick links
The Quick Links web part "pins" items to your page for easy access.
Recent documents
The Recent documents web part displays documents that have been recently added or edited.
Note: The Recent documents web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
The Stream web part displays a video right on your page from your organization's Microsoft Stream video portal.
Stream Channel Widget -
The Text web part adds paragraphs and tables to your page. Formatting options like styles, bullets, indentations, highlighting, and links are available.
HTML Content Widget -
The Weather web part shows the current weather on your page.
Note: The Weather web part is not available in SharePoint Server 2019.
Akumina's Weather Widget displays weather and can be targeted to a user Weather Widget -
Akumina Experiences
Akumina News Experience
With many news widgets at your disposal, Akumina's News Experience gives you the tools to surface the right content at the right time, that's customized to your audience.
- Recent News Widget -
- Breaking News Widget -
- News Card Widget -
- Company News Hero Widget -
- Company News Item Widget -
- Company News List Widget -
- Department News Widget -
- RSS News Widget -
- Blogs Widget -
Akumina Document Experience
A couple of widgets make up Akumina's Document Experience. That gives you access to a searchable document list, has a folder tree structure, allows you to upload, edit, and share documents. Summarized lists also displays documents from all libraries and surfaces them to the end user via tabs, I.E. Newest, My Recent, Popular, Recommended
- Document Viewer Widget -
- Documents Summary List Widget -
Akumina Hero Experience
Bring focus to content, products, and more with the Akumina Hero Experience! With banner and news widgets, you'll have control over images, titles, tags, sub-text, buttons, and animation, to create an experience that's suited to your audience.
- Banner Widget -
- Company News Hero -
Akumina People Experience
Highlight your employees, surface your company directory, and provide individual employee data with Akumina's People Experience.
- Foundation Employee Spotlight Widget -
- People Directory Widget -
- Employee Detail Widget -
Akumina Menu Experience
Akumina's Menu Experience gives you the ability to bring pages, forms, content, and any often linked to item, quickly and directly to your audience. The Menu Experience can feature categories, flyout menus, and more!
- Quick Link Widget -
Akumina Image Experience
The Akumina Image Experience allows you to display images and video in several different ways, to help you visually customize a page to your needs.
Latest Media Widget -
HTML Content Widget -
Content Block Widget -
Akumina Calendar/Event Experience
Akumina has a calendar experience that provides event functionaility.
- Full calendar
- Calendar Widget -
- Company Calendar Widget -
- List of event dates
- Important Dates Widget -
- Announcement Items Widget -
- Detail display for calendar event
- Event Detail Widget -
The following control displays a calendar from an Office 365 Group:
- Company Calendar Widget -