Edit the Redis cache timeout
Applies to
Akumina 4.1.1901.0110 and later
This article details how to edit the Redis cache timeout.
Ensure Redis is used for the token store in unity.config
In the unity.config file, replace the following key:
<register type="IRepository[UserToken]" mapTo="AzureTableTokenStore" />
<register type="IRepository[UserToken]" mapTo="RedisTokenStore" />
Edit the Redis cache timeout settings
In the interchange.settings.config file, edit the cache setting. Note this is in seconds:
<add key="akumina:CacheExpireInSeconds" value="3599" />
Edit the Redis cache expiration mode
In the interchange.settings.config file, locate the following key. If it is not there, then add it:
<add key="akumina:RedisTokenCacheExpirationMode" value="Sliding" />
Other allowable values are:
<add key="akumina:RedisTokenCacheExpirationMode" value="Absolute" />
<add key="akumina:RedisTokenCacheExpirationMode" value="Never" />