Application Extension
The purpose of this article will be to illustrate and explain the purpose of the Application Extension SPKG, the set up required, and the pros and cons of this package. The installation of this feature assumes the following have been met:
- Sharepoint Modern Site Collection
- Central Site with Akumina Framework V4.8 or higher (More)
- Application Extension SPKG available via App Catalog or Local Apps for Sharepoint Library
akumina-application-extension.spkg (Coming Soon!)
Glossary of Terms
Name | Definition |
App Extension SPKG | The Sharepoint Package of the Application Extension Client Side Solution |
AWP | Akumina Widget Picker. More details can be found here |
What is the Application Extension?
The Application Extension is a simple client side solution aimed towards offering customization to the Header and Footer portions of Sharepoint Modern pages. Sharepoint Modern natively supports customization of the header/footer sections of Modern pages but doesn't quite offer an easy way to go about this. To solve this problem, Akumina provides the Application Extension that can be freely customized by use of a Central Site Collection using the Akumina Framework. It is also worth noting that this Application Extension cannot be used with the Akumina SPA. However, it can be used with the Akumina Widget Picker. Use of the Application Extension with the AWP can provide the flexibility of Sharepoint Modern Web Parts with the functionality of the Akumina Framework bundled with some design choices for certain aspects of the page.
Pictured: Sharepoint Modern Page with the AWP and Application Extension (Header/Footer areas marked in green)
Installation & Setup
The Application Extension is a fairly lightweight package. First, ensure that the app is available via the App Catalog or through the Site's Local Apps for Sharepoint Library and add it to the Delivery Site Collection. Next, you will need to configure the digitalworkplace.env.js file. The env.js file should be located under SiteRoot/Akumina Private Library/digitalworplace.env.js. If the file does not exist, please create one with the following contents with values modified to your needs:
if ((typeof AkuminaModernConfiguration) === 'undefined') {
AkuminaModernConfiguration = {
CentralSiteCollectionUrl: "{1}", // Central Site from which assets are provisioned
FrameworkVersion: "{2}", // The framework version; should match Central Site
WidgetPicker: { // Akumina Widget Picker Settings
ExtraJSFiles: "", // Comma delimited list of JS files to download from the central site
ExtraCSSFiles: "", // Comma delimited list of CSS files to download from the central site
AssetLibraryName: "Akumina Library" // Name of the local asset library
ApplicationExtension: { // Application Extension Settings
ExtraCSSFiles: "", // Comma delimited list of CSS files to download from the central site
HideSiteHeader: false, // Boolean value determining whether the modern header should be hidden
HideCommandBar: false, // Boolean value determining whether the modern command bar should be hidden
ShowOnlyOnSitePages: true, // Boolean value determining whether only SitePage navigation should be enabled
AssetLibraryName: "Akumina Library" // Name of the local asset library
var LoaderConfiguration = LoaderConfiguration || {};
if ((typeof LoaderConfiguration.Custom) === 'undefined') {
//Add shipped steps to loader
LoaderConfiguration.Custom = {
Init: function (config) {
Akumina.Digispace.ConfigurationContext.InterchangeURL = "{3}";
Akumina.Digispace.ConfigurationContext.InterchangeQueryKey = "{4}";
Within the file, we would update the following variables:
- Central or Standalone Site URL: {1} =
- Akumina Framework Version from CDN: {2} = 4.8.2004.1501
- App Manager Url: {3} =
- App Manager QueryKey: {4} = acf67d91-435e-42c8-8f8f-d66ec732305a
If this is a standalone site, a manual step is required (You do not need to do in Central site or for additional delivery sites and this needs to be done only once)
- Add to DigispaceConfigurationIDS_AK the Key CentralPipedSiteIdWebId
- The value of that key will be SiteId_WebId, which can be found by taking the values from
- {StandAloneSiteUrl}/_api/site/id = 9627f52f-5645-4267-aef2-9836a6be41bb
- {StandAloneSiteUrl}/_api/web/id = 1115da82-3dfc-4993-b736-4fbcbe4a5e02
- This gives us the combined value of: 9627f52f-5645-4267-aef2-9836a6be41bb_1115da82-3dfc-4993-b736-4fbcbe4a5e02
After the value has been added, refresh Configuration Cache in 'Update Configuration Settings' option from the Site Creator in Stand Alone site. Then in the Site using the Widget Picker functionality you can verify that your setting matches by typing into console
It should show the value in the DigispaceConfigurationIDS_AK
After the Application Extension SPKG has been added to the site and your env.js settings have been configured, you've finished the installation for the Delivery Site.
On the Central Site, there are two views you will be configuring: header.html and footer.html. Both of these views are found on the Central Site under the following directory: siteroot/DigitalWorkplace/Content/Templates/ApplicationExtension. You may freely edit these files with the contents of the header and footer you desire. Examples:
<div rel="Top Navigation" class="ak-widget" id="b3190df7-e6f8-4f0b-83c7-192e6500563e"></div>
<footer class="ak-site-footer">
<div class="ak-copyright">
© 2020 Akumina, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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You can edit these files using a text editor or IDE of your choice or you can use the View Manager Management App in App Manager:
Toggling the Modern Options
The Site Header and Command Bar can be toggled via the Akumina Debugger panel's Modern tab, as shown below:
Toggle Site Header
The Site Header toggle will show or hide the following section inside the site:
Toggle Command Bar
The Command Bar toggle will show or hide the following section inside the site: